Check out our after-school activities!

1B themes


1B is working with these topics

English: "What am I hoping to learn in first grade?"; question marks and exclamation points; rhyming; nouns; poem and spelling with the vowel "A"; poem and spelling with the vowel "E"; poem and spelling with the vowel "I"; poem and spelling with the vowel "O"; poem and spelling with the vowel "U"; long vowel E; silent "E"; 

Swedish: "Vad skulle jag ta med till Hagaloppet?"; reading groups; presenting in front of a group, in-depth focus on the letter "Å"; in-depth focus on the letter "Ä"; vocabulary and writing practice about vegetables; in-depth focus on the letter "Ö"; vocabulary and writing practice about advent; learning about Swedish wild animals and Swedish tame animals

Math: introduction of math book Matte Direkt Safari; understanding numbers 1 to 5; understanding numbers 6 to 10; learning about the number 0 and the = sign; counting coins with ones, fives, and tens; shapes; telling time; adding up to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10; subtracting from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10; understanding numbers 10 to 20; 0 multiplication table; 1 multiplication table; adding numbers up to 20

Social Studies: values and opinions; consent and boundaries; the UN and children's rights; social functions (school, police, firefighters, SOS alarm); Reduce, Re-use, Recycle and Swap Shop; Christianity; Islam

Science: hygiene; balacing and weighing; the environment and recycling; Winter; animals and their winter adaptations; water

Gym: moving and playing!

Music: singing and fun!

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